Calls for Florida to roll back reopening after news that the state is considered a Red Zone 2020-07-20 On: July 20, 2020
Could you use money to help with rent and mortgage payments? The Florida Housing Finance Corporation opens up $75-million for distribution today 2020-07-20 On: July 20, 2020
Sarasota County Schools reopening plan and survey for parents is now available 2020-07-20 On: July 20, 2020
Florida Man Who Died In Motorcycle Wreck Labeled As COVID-19 Death By State 2020-07-19 On: July 19, 2020
New medical app updates families of surgical patients at a Suncoast hospital 2020-07-18 On: July 18, 2020
Suncoast: Charlotte County parents prepare for back to school as district still works to make a plan 2020-07-18 On: July 18, 2020