Turmoil within the Sarasota County REC as Pat Neal puppet Jack Brill struggles to keep his seat

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Turmoil within the Sarasota County REC as Pat Neal puppet Jack Brill struggles to keep his seat

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


This is the same Jack Brill that worked with Pat Neal and went to great lengths to ensure that Nick was elected over me.  Jack and Neal have been hand selecting residents that will vote inline with Pat Neals interest.  There is a movement to replace Jack Brill and with that the influence that Pat Neal has over the Sarasota County Republican Party.  You can read my writeup about some of the issues with him during my campaign by clicking —>>> here  For transparency, I wanted to note that I am an REC Committeeman. – Frank





  As REC members, I believe it’s important for us to know who is leading us.  I encourage you to go to SarasotaWatchdogs.com to see videos about our current leadership in the Republican Executive Committee.  Our leadership has earned national media attention in the past and may again.


   At the October 27th REC meeting, I was threatened and bullied by both Jack and Kelly.  My interaction with Jack and Kelly is on SarasotaWatchdogs.com.   Please note that there are three lies that Jack and Kelly both take part in during that interaction.  Lies that they told to a Sarasota Police Officer.


1) ” I am trespassing and will be arrested and put in jail.”  (Jack has conducted hundreds of meetings in this building.  Does he really not know where public/private property is in this area?????)


2) ” I am going to be charged with Notary Fraud.”  I am a Florida Notary in good standing.  Call the State of Florida and ask.  An empty threat and lie.


3) ” These are grounds to be removed from the REC.”  Handing out the rules/bylaws for the REC is the reason for Jack and Kelly to remove me. Why don’t they want the members to know the rules?


Individuals who lie, threaten and bully aren’t leaders.  Jack is not a leader.


  Do as you wish, but please be informed.


Sally Nista
REC Member


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