The annual Venice Christmas Parade is set for Saturday, Nov. 26, in downtown Venice.

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The annual Venice Christmas Parade is set for Saturday, Nov. 26, in downtown Venice.

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC




Although there is early setup of chairs along the parade route Wednesday evening before the parade, there will be no chairs set up or spectators allowed in the medians of the 100-300 blocks of W. Venice Ave. to protect the median landscaping. Any chairs, blankets or other items set up in the medians will be removed by the City of Venice Public Works Department at owners’ expense. This is to both protect the plantings in the medians and avoid any trip hazard of stumps from palms lost in Hurricane Ian. Parade-goers are asked to please follow the posted signage.

Pre-parade entertainment will be in two locations — the corner of Harbor Drive and W. Venice Ave. and the corner of Nokomis Ave. and W. Venice Ave, starting at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 26. The parade will begin at 6:30 p.m.

The parade officially starts at the corner of Park Blvd. and W. Venice Ave (south side). It will proceed on the north side of W. Venice Ave. after crossing over Harbor Drive. From there, it will make a turn on Nokomis Avenue and go all the way down to Turin Street. Floats will unload at the Venice Community Center.

***Please see the map below and attached. An interactive map for parade information can also be found here: Parade Route Map (


The parade route will be closed to all traffic at 3 p.m. Saturday. This includes both sides of W. Venice Ave. and N. Nokomis Ave. between Tampa and Venice avenues. Various streets surrounding City Hall will also be closed for staging floats. The impact spans east/west from the intersection of W. Venice Ave./Harbor Dr. to The Esplanade, and north/south from Barcelona Ave. to Armada Rd. S. These roadways will be open only to local traffic/residents and parade participants after 3 p.m. For public safety purposes, these closings may be adjusted as needed.

EARLY SET-UP OF CHAIRS: Chairs may be placed along the parade route after 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23 by the public (at your own risk). No bleachers, couches, rope, stakes, tarps, canopies or mats please; these items will be removed by Public Works. Any chairs placed before 6 p.m. Wednesday will also be disposed of by Public Works. Remember: no chairs set up or spectators allowed in the medians in the 100-300 blocks of W. Venice Ave.

Public parking is available Saturday at Venice High School.

In addition, Venice’s Boy Scout Troop 77 will again be collecting nonperishable food and monetary contributions from the public during the parade. The benefactor of these donations is the South County Food Pantry. The Scouts will walk the parade route just behind the Color Guard and Venice Police at the start of the parade at 6:30 p.m.

For more information, please visit the parade page on the City website at or call 941-488-8780.