A push to remove Shirley Brown and put an end to BLM on Brainpop in Sarasota County schools



A push to remove Shirley Brown and put an end to BLM on Brainpop in Sarasota County schools


We are a group of parents who have children in the Sarasota County Public School System. We have formed a coalition to insure that our schools are teaching the basics and are listening to our concerns. As we are their customers, we feel that we deserve a certain level of respect from our elected School Board Members that is currently lacking.
Our fundamental message is that Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Music, Art, PE should be the focus of the educational curriculum in our schools. We do not want biased or politically motivated agendas in the curriculum. As parents and tax payers, we have a right to speak up and we are doing just that.
Our group has started a petition to help remove a board member that has repeatedly stated they want limited parent involvement and is for a curriculum based on opinions versus facts. We are steadfast in our mission. We will not be intimidated. We are in this for all of the children in Sarasota County.
Also, there is a petition to raise money and file suit against Sarasota County schools mask mandate, the link is at:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/fjq7zw-lawsuit-to-end-mask-mandate-in-sarasota-co


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