Maund: Welcome To The Global Gulag…
Authored by Clive Maund via CliveMaund,com,
In case you haven’t noticed, we now live under tyranny, and over the next several years, thanks to the unquestioning zombielike submission of the masses, it is set to get a whole lot worse.
When this whole bizarre virus plandemic, or scamdemic, started to gather momentum I instinctively knew that something wasn’t right, that the official explanations didn’t add up, and that society at large was “being played” by those in power with an agenda. To anyone with even a modicum of real intelligence, the whole thing stinks of an elaborate plot.
So, driven by natural curiosity, and being a person who would rather know the truth, however awful, than go around with blinders on, I embarked on a quest to find out what was really going on, what was really behind all this, and for what it’s worth I am going to share my findings with you today.
Now I understand that there are those amongst you who are programmed by the system to label anyone who expresses views that deviate from what is portrayed as normal as a “conspiracy theorist”. If you are one of those you may want to click out now, but before you go, I want to point out to you that what I am writing about now, what we are living through, is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact.
Let’s start with the timing. Why was the virus, or bioweapon if that’s what it is, released when it was?