Sarasota: Contractor error leads to a 45,000 gallon sewer leak
The DEP report was updated. The original report as you can see, led us to believe it was from the sewer system. Now they state it was reclaimed water.
Incident Description
A contractor working in the area drilled through a main reuse line at approximately 5:15 pm on 6/22/2020. Approximately 45,000 gallons were released. Some of the release entered a storm drain that leads to Hudson Bayou. The reuse water is highly treated and no clean up efforts were necessary.
Pursuant to Section 403.077, F.S., the Department of Environmental Protection has received the following Public Notice of Pollution for a reportable release. All information displayed was submitted by the reporting party.
Type of Notice: Initial Report Date of Notice: 06/23/2020
Incident Information Name of Incident: City of Sarasota Alta Vista St & S. Osprey Ave State Watch Office Case Number: 20203337 Start of Incident: 06/22/2020 17:15 End of Incident: 06/22/2020 18:00
Incident Description
A contractor working in the area drilled through a main sewer line at approximately 5:15 pm on 6/22/2020. Approximately 45,000 gallons were released. Some of the release entered a storm drain that leads to Hudson Bayou. The affected area was disinfected with lime and then cleaned using a vactor truck. Samples will be taken.
Incident Location Facility/Installation Name: City of Sarasota AWWTP Address Line 1: 1750 12th Street Address Line 2: Directions: City: Sarasota State: FL Zip Code: 34236 Coordinates (in decimal degrees):
Lat: 27.324697415150872, Long: -82.53384083702265 Click to view Incident Location Impacted Counties: Sarasota
Incident Reported By Name: Verne Hall Title: Utilities General Manager Phone: (941) 661-1347 E-mail Address:[email protected]
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