North Port: What will the developer do after yesterday’s meeting to discuss a 7-11 development





North Port: What will the developer do after yesterday’s meeting to discuss a 7-11 development



Commissioner Debbie McDowell, City of North Port



I know everyone is anxious to hear the outcome of today’s meeting n the 7-11 development. This meeting is different than a commission meeting – it’s quasi-judicial. That means we are not legislators we are quasi-judges. We must follow strict procedures and protocols. A quick recap – ON May 26 we heard this meeting and realized the proper notices were not sent out to the citizens within the ¼ mile radius nor was a public notice published in the newspaper for the May 26 meeting. Therefore, we continued the meeting to today. The proper notices went out to the residents and in the newspaper. At today’s meeting the City Attorney explained it would be better to start the entire hearing from the very beginning for the citizen’s benefit and to ensure the proper procedures are followed. Fast forward to the final results…..


• The special exception to allow 16 fuel pumps was DENIED. VOTE 4-1 with Carusone dissenting
• The special exeption to allow a car wash was DENIED. VOTE 4-1 with Carusone dissenting.
• The Development Master Plan was approved with out the fuel pumps, car wash, NO 24/7 hours of operation. The developer will not be required to install the barrier wall along the permiter in exchange for 2.2 acres of conservation land. However, they will be required to put a small wall with landscaping near the entrances to shield the nearby residents.


At this point, the developer will have to decide if they want to build a convenience store only. Convenience stores are 100% allowed in Neighborhood Commercial Zoning. I will post the link to the meeting once its published.