City of Venice facilities to reopen to the public 6/22
City of Venice facilities to reopen to the public 6/22
City of Venice
After review of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ recent order and the “Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step.” Phase 2 reopening plan, the City of Venice is moving forward to reopen City Hall and all other City facilities to the public with precautions on Monday, June 22, with the exception of the Venice Museum and Julia Cousins Laning and Dale Laning Archives & Research Center, which will reopen at a later date. However, due to limitations set by the Governor, including that gatherings are recommended to be no larger than 50 people unless there is capacity for 6-foot social distancing, Venice City Council and advisory board meetings will still be virtual. These plans may change in future phases.
To support a safe environment for visitors and staff, current recommendations for physical distancing, cleaning/sanitation protocols, and capacity reductions will be implemented and adjusted as needed to remain in compliance with current health guidelines.
Visitors to City Hall and other City facilities are encouraged to wear masks when interacting with staff. Citizens will also notice new plexiglass barriers at public-facing counters at City Hall including the Cashier’s Office for utility bill and other payments, and the Building Department. Freestanding stations offering hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will also be available for the public.
If you need to meet with a City Hall staff member, we ask that you make an appointment in advance by calling 941-486-2626. The staff member will then meet you at a station in the lobby with plexiglass barriers offering protection for both you and City Hall employees.
Permits for special events in the City will be considered by staff effective Monday, July 13, depending on the scope of the event. All potential event holders will be required to submit a plan for social distancing and sanitization. Please email Special Events and Marketing Coordinator Shirley Gibson at [email protected] for more information.