YouTube Deletes Viral Video Claiming Dr. Fauci Spewing ‘Absolute Propaganda’ About COVID-19 




YouTube Deletes Viral Video Claiming Dr. Fauci Spewing ‘Absolute Propaganda’ About COVID-19 | Zero Hedge


One thing that should be abundantly clear by now is that any thoughts, opinions, or speculation which challenges the official narratives regarding COVID-19 will be promptly silenced by Silicon Valley, under the guise of protecting the public – which apparently can’t be trusted to absorb information and form their own opinions.


The most recent example of censored wrongthink is a new documentary, Plandemic, which features former chronic fatigue researcher Judy Milkovits, who claims that Dr. Anthony Fauci – head of the  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) – is spewing ‘absolute propaganda’ about COVID-19.


In the video, Mikovits claimed Fauci perpetrated propaganda that led to the deaths of millions of people in the past. She also raised questions about how COVID-19 deaths are being counted.


However, one of her biggest beefs against Fauci dates to the battles for credit over the discovery of HIV in the early 1980s.


In the video, Mikovits claimed she isolated HIV from the saliva and blood of patients in France but that Fauci was involved in delaying research so a friend could take credit, which allowed the HIV virus to spread. These claims are not proven. They were also disseminated in April by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kennedy alleged on the Children’s Health Defense website (where he is chairman) –Heavy

Google’s YouTube is currently playing whack-a-mole with a 25 minute promotional vignette for the documentary which has gone viral – deleting new versions seemingly as fast as they pop up. The original version had over 1.6 million views when it was censored.


Facebook, however, hasn’t deleted it (yet):


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