Sarasota County’s Chemical Collection Centers will reopen with limited access for hazardous waste disposal


Sarasota County


Sarasota County’s Chemical Collection Centers will reopen with limited access for hazardous waste disposal beginning on Monday, May 18.


To maintain social distancing guidelines, and to protect the health and safety of staff and the community, drop-off will be BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.


Waste technicians will have a list of scheduled daily appointments and “walk-ups” will not be accepted.


Appointments are scheduled every 30 minutes and are available between 8 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. at the following locations:
8750 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota (Monday-Saturday)
4010 Knights Trail Road,
Nokomis (Monday-Saturday) 250 S. Jackson Road,
Venice (Wednesday-Saturday)


For more information and to find the location closest to you, visit