About 100 healthcare workers gather on the Suncoast supporting the Black Lives Matter movement 2020-06-07 On: June 7, 2020
Sarasota: Help ID these two individuals that allegedly took off with some of Joe’s property 2020-06-07 On: June 7, 2020
Cry For This Country, Because The Streets Of America Have Become A War Zone 2020-06-06 On: June 6, 2020
Another BLM protest in Sarasota. Whoops, I have to follow the local MSM lead and state “peaceful” protest 2020-06-05 On: June 5, 2020
Tropical Depression Cristobal: There is a risk of heavy rainfall and flash flooding along the Gulf coast through early Monday 2020-06-05 On: June 5, 2020
You can fish without a license this weekend, but Cristobal could rain out your plans 2020-06-05 On: June 5, 2020