Orewell’s 1984 is here: Florida creates an online tool that allows people to rat out businesses not following Phase 1 rules for reopening 2020-05-10 On: May 10, 2020
Sarasota County Commissioner Ziegler is asking for your thoughts on coronvirus and is the worst behind us 2020-05-10 On: May 10, 2020
“Your Every Move Will Be Watched”: Post-COVID Offices To Resemble China’s Social Credit System 2020-05-10 On: May 10, 2020
Harvard study says warm weather probably won’t slow COVID-19 transmission 2020-05-10 On: May 10, 2020
Watch: Anna Maria Island is famous for its Caribbean-style blue water and soft sand! 2020-05-10 On: May 10, 2020
Previously unemployed Floridians head back to work, unable to cancel unemployment benefits 2020-05-10 On: May 10, 2020
Out-of-work Floridians must go back into unemployment website to request benefits every 2 weeks 2020-05-10 On: May 10, 2020
Take a hike at the Celery Fields Regional Stormwater Facility in Sarasota 2020-05-10 On: May 10, 2020