The Sarasota County Republican REC vote is tomorrow, who should lead the Party?  Looney Brunni or Jack “The Shill” Brill.

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


I was asked about the REC Chairman election on December 1.  Brunni’s and her supporters are pushing her as the anti-Neal choice.  A fighter for the constitution.  Wrong on both accounts.  She is a big supporter of Neal and with her as the Chair, Neal will continue to have influence over the Republican Party.  How do I know because she indicated it to me behind the scenes.  She ran from constitutional candidates that came out against Neal, instead of supporting them and supported their opponents.  Someone sent out a “Looney Brunni” text (see below) yesterday and I can tell you that it is pretty accurate.  Now, this is coming from someone that does not like Brill and that was a target of the Pat Neal and Jack Brill mailers and text, that communicated to all Republican’s that I was a Democrat in disguise.  I put out a video of Brill overstepping his authority during the last REC meeting.  You an view that video by clicking — >>> here. So, make no mistake, I am not a fan of Jack Brill and the control that Pat Neal exerts over him.


Photo: Provided to me from a fan of the page.

Bottom line, Brunni and Brill in leadership roles are bad for the Republican Party.  That is why I will not be attending the REC meeting or voting in it.  I will no longer be part of the REC because their leadership does not support candidates based upon ideology, instead they support candidates based upon self-serving interest.  For example, this last round of elections had many candidates that were handpicked by Pat Neal via Jack Brill.  Many Republicans do not understand that Brill basically chooses the candidates without any input from the REC and his picks are influenced by Pat Neal. He made it clear that they were his candidates and the party got behind them.  Many of the candidates were Democrats in the Republican Party for the sole purpose of getting elected in a heavily Republican County.  If you think it will be different under Brunni, think again.  Her actions out in the field supporting her candidates of choice, indicates that she will act in the same manner as Brill.  In this picture to the left, the Pat Neal puppet Nick Pachota is with Connie. A Neal influenced PAC spent approx. $50k to get Nick elected. Nick is known as a politician that serves as a puppet to Pat Neal and someone that Connie supported behind the scenes because as she told me at an ambush meeting, she supports Neals development activity. She was even willing to ignore Nick’s vaccine involvement setting up the mass vaccination sites in Florida, which is odd since she tries to present that she is a major anti-vaxer. You can read about Pat Neals control over the Republican Party by clicking —->>> here


To be honest, I would rather see someone like Clayton Taylor in the chair position, versus the Vice Chair role that he is seeking.  There you go, my thoughts on the REC Chair election.  Good luck with it.




Mass text sent out on Connie Brunni:

If Sarasota County Republicans want endless shouting matches, poor political judgment and damaging controversy, then Looney Brunni is the choice!


Looney Brunni antics gin up negative publicity for the Republican Party and for Republican candidates.


Looney Brunni raised a “truckload of money” for a California city commissioner race, but was still easily beaten. Analysts considered Brunni a “poor candidate” and so did voters. She left California and came to Sarasota.


But multiple local campaigns in recent years have had to distance themselves from Looney Brunni because of backlash over her foolish schemes.


She has been caught on video yelling at other Republicans at a GOP tent, including North Port’s mayor and volunteers in one election cycle. Police had to be called.


Looney Brunni’s constant divisiveness in School Board and County Commission races generated embarrassing publicity for the local GOP and those candidates, undermining election efforts.


Divisiveness is a trademark for Looney Brunni, who ignored the General Election and Republican sweeping victories and instead worked to further her own ambitions by creating an ugly atmosphere of division and conspiracies in the local REC, maybe the best run REC in the state of Florida.


Looney Brunni is wrong and destructive for Sarasota County Republicans at every level.