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City of Venice Manager to meet with Rabbi Shull to discuss the Venice Police response to anti-Semitic flyers being distributed on the island

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


From: Edward Lavallee <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, July 1, 2022 4:57:50 PMTo: Rachel Frank <[email protected]>; Cordy Crane <[email protected]>Cc: Charles Thorpe <[email protected]>Subject: RE: Meeting with Rabbi Shull

Thanks for your interest in supporting the City’s attention to the inappropriate distribution of flyers to targeted citizens in Venice  As I indicated in earlier correspondence to Rabbi Shull, the actions of those distributing the flyers is repulsive, and the City staff is actively investigating the incident,  and will continue to address this offensive behavior.



With regard to a meeting I have scheduled with Rabbi Shull, typically, we do not include Council members in meetings with citizens that will focus on staff operational or tactical  responses  to complaints or issues. . I believe that Rabbi Shull wants to discuss the Police Department response options and other measures that we can take concerning the distribution of anti-sematic flyers. For that reason, members of the Police Department, including Chief Thorpe, will attend the meeting. If a Council member is part of this type of  discussion it may give the impression to the citizen that the council members has input in the decision making process for staff tactical response (Charter issue). However, following the meeting with Rabbi Shull, I would be happy to brief you on the outcome. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further please feel free to call at your convenience.  Thank you.


Anti-Semitic flyers have been found at homes on the island of Venice


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