Sarasota County Schools reopening plan and survey for parents is now available



Sarasota County Schools


REOPENING PLAN: The updated Reopening Plan is available on our website, which you can review by clicking — >>> here.  Thank you for your continued patience and support.  We are working on an updated FAQ.


PARENT SURVEY: In order for our Principals to begin the complex process of scheduling each child into classrooms, we need to ensure every family has completed the parent survey NO LATER THAN MONDAY, JULY 2O. You must complete a survey for each child and include their N Number (which is a unique number, not a social security number, that allows us to link your child to their school and grade).


– If you have completed the survey in the past and DO NOT want to
change your option, then no action is needed.
– If you have completed the survey in the past and DO want to change your option, then complete the survey again and the most recent information will be used.
– If you have NOT completed the survey in the past, then please
complete the survey.


To take the survey click — >>> here