Walmart Has Started Putting Steaks Inside “Locked Metal Cages” To Keep Shoplifters From Taking Them

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


Has it really come to this?  We all knew that shoplifting was getting really bad all over the nation, but does Walmart really need to start locking up the steaks?  I was stunned when I first learned that pharmacies in our core urban areas were locking up toothpaste and deodorant, but I didn’t think that we were already at a point where supermarkets would start locking up the food.  I don’t know about you, but to me this is an extremely chilling omen


Walmart has started securing high-priced steaks inside locked metal cages amid rising crime rates across the U.S., a new viral video has revealed.

I have never seen anything like this in my entire life.

After a man from Florida took a video of this new “packaging” and put it up on TikTok, it quickly accumulated more than four million views


Michael Fromhold, from Florida, was stunned when he noticed that the meat at his local Walmart had been locked up in what appears to be a rather dramatic attempt to prevent people from stealing it.


Michael took a video of it and shared it to TikTok where it quickly went viral – gaining more than four million views in a matter of days – and the clip lead some viewers to lament the fact that such measures have become necessary.


If you see something like this at your local Walmart, please take a photo or a video of it.


At this point, it is not clear if these new “security devices” are being rolled out nationwide or just in high crime areas.



As the price of meat continues to go higher, steaks will increasingly become desirable targets for professional looters.


Just last week, one man was spotted stealing 10 packages of steaks from a Trader Joe’s in New York City…

As recently as Tuesday, a man was seen stuffing cans of soda into his pants at a Trader Joe’s in Union Square before casually leaving the store, according to footage captured by the New York Post.


Just one day before that, another man left the same store with a stack of 10 packages of steaks. Employees told the outlet that they were told not to stop the alleged thief.


And it isn’t just steaks that will need to be locked up.


Since Joe Biden entered the White House, just about every category of meat has surged in price…

The price beef and veal products increased 16.0 percent, according to BLS. That included a 13.0 percent increase in the price of uncooked ground beef; a 17.1 percent increase in the price of uncooked beef steaks; and a 19.2 percent increase in the price of uncooked beef roasts.


The price of pork increased 14.1 percent.


The price of chicken increased 10.3 percent.


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