MSNBC Says “Cancel Culture Is Out Of Hand” Over Whoopi Goldberg, While Demanding Rogan’s Excommunication

by ZeroHedge

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



It appears MSNBC, the “news network” that told its viewers the “Let’s Go Brandon!” meme was part of a “slow-moving insurrection” among other egregious examples of liberal fearmongering, is now suddenly convinced that “cancel culture” is toxic and needs to be “put behind us” – all because poor Whoopi Goldberg has now seen her multi-decade career blow up in her face over her latest antisemitic comments.


After apologizing for her allegedly “antisemitic” comments, Goldberg – who picked her stage name supposedly because she thought having a Jewish-sounding name would help her land more auditions early in her career – doubled down during an appearance on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, resulting in her being suspended from “The View”.

Apparently, Goldberg facing the consequences of her own actions was too much to bear for poor Mika Brzezinski, the co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”.


“Everybody knows Whoopi Goldberg. She’s been on TV for decades she’s been putting herself out there for decades. If you don’t know her heart than you haven’t been watching. So maybe this two week suspension is really about something else…something that maybe we need to start putting behind us which is this unbelievable need to punish and judge people when they have made a mistake.”



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