A compilation video exposes local mainstream media outlets for parroting establishment narratives word for word.

by Kelen McBreen

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Who is coming up with these blatantly scripted talking points, and who is disseminating them to small newsrooms across the country?

“It’s all scripted y’all,” author and producer Jason Shurka wrote on Instagram Sunday. “There are not ‘separate’ stations. They are get their scripts from the same place.”


Similar compilations have been produced in the past, but this one is especially ironic considering the news anchors are claiming social media outlets are responsible for the spread of “biased and false news.”


“More alarming, some media outlets publish these same fake stories without checking facts first,” several talking heads on channels around the nation repeated.


Do these media companies “check the facts” when they are handed down reports to read on the air?


The scripted notice also condemned some pundits for using social media to “push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think.”

“This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy,” the media members echoed.


Ironically, these on-screen teleprompter readers are pushing an agenda literally dictated to them in an effort to control what people think.


Specifically, they are trying to limit the information citizens have access to in order to prevent them from coming to a self-researched decision.


This is a prime example of Project Mockingbird still at work.