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Protection against Covid infection after two vaccines falls within SIX months

by Daily Mail
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Two Covid vaccine doses become less effective at stopping infections within six months, a major study has found.


Researchers warned Britons given the jabs first — including the elderly — could see protection plummet to just 50 per cent by winter without boosters.

The real-world study, led by King’s College London, looked at more than a million people who had been fully vaccinated.


Protection against infection after two shots of Pfizer decreased from 88 per cent at one month to 74 per cent at five to six months.


For AstraZeneca, effectiveness dropped from 77 per cent to 67 per cent at four to five months.


It’s unclear whether the waning immunity against infection also means people are less protected against hospitalisation and death.

But Professor Tim Spector, the lead scientist behind the study, said high levels of infection would ultimately lead to more deaths. He warned effectiveness could drop below 50 per cent by winter, and urged Britain to ‘urgently’ get its act together on booster vaccines.


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