Sarasota County virtual neighborhood workshop on rezoning the parks




Sarasota County virtual neighborhood workshop on rezoning the parks

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Sarasota County

Sarasota County will be hosting a virtual neighborhood workshop to provide information about the proposed rezoning of 37 existing and future county park sites throughout Sarasota County. The proposed countywide rezone of parks will be to Government Use (GU) and Open Use Conservation (OUC) zoning districts. This will allow future park improvements, bring nonconforming land uses into conformity and meet grant requirements. Sarasota County staff will provide a presentation of the proposed rezoning, including park sites, maps, next steps and a timeline.

➡️ Wednesday, June 30
➡️ 6 p.m.
➡️ Remote via Zoom webinar
➡️ Register here:

Please register in advance. Attendees will be able to email questions and comments to [email protected] during the workshop.

For more information, call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000.