Neighborhood Workshop Notice: Redevelopment of #SiestaKey Resort Hotel




Neighborhood Workshop Notice: Redevelopment of Siesta Key Resort Hotel

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC






Information about opposition to UDC and FLU changes to increase density and intensity on Siesta Key. The requested changes will affect the codes for all barrier islands and transient accommodations throughout the county:




Site Location: 5311 Ocean Blvd & 215 Calle Miramar, Sarasota, Florida 34242 PID#: 0080240016 & 0080240005
Date: Monday, May 10, 2021
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM


Zoom Link:


Contact: SKRS LLC, C/O: Weiqi Lin, at (941) 376-9105 or [email protected]


Request: The owners of subject properties, SKRS LLC, invite you to attend a neighborhood public workshop through a zoom link: to discuss a proposal to demolish the existing 55-unit hotel that was originally built in 1955 and to redevelop it into a modern new 170-room Resort Hotel at 5311 Ocean Blvd & 215 Calle Miramar, Sarasota, Florida 34242. The proposed redevelopment is limited by Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Policy (FLU) 2.9.1. Therefore, the owners propose to amend (1) Comprehensive Plan – FLU Policy 2.9.1.; and (2) UDC Text for this redevelopment. No changes to the Property’s future land use designation or zoning district are proposed.


The proposed application package may be obtained from the Sarasota County website at