Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes Down Democrat Governor’s Statewide Mask Mandate

by Jamie White
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Gov. Tony Evers’ mask mandate on Wednesday, stripping him of his last authoritarian tool over the people.


The conservative-leaning court ruled 4-3 that Evers violated state law by extending the mask mandate through executive fiat for months, when he needed legislative approval to extend the mandate beyond the 60-day order.


“The question in this case is not whether the governor acted wisely; it is whether he acted lawfully. We conclude he did not,” Justice Brian Hagedorn wrote for the majority.



Evers extended the mask mandate four times since first imposing it in August, most recently in February immediately after Republican legislators repealed it, claiming he could issue multiple emergency orders due to the changing circumstances of the pandemic.


This marks the second time the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled against Evers over his stay-at-home order last year.


Additionally, a state appeals court blocked Evers’ attempt last May to limit indoor gatherings to 25% capacity.


Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu (R-Oostburg) applauded the ruling, noting it upholds the separation of powers.


“I applaud the Court for ending this constitutional crisis in our state. Their ruling upholds the separation of powers and the rule of law – core principles since the founding of our state and nation. The Governor’s repeated abuse of emergency powers and pervasive violation of state statute created a state of chaos and had to be stopped. The Legislature exercised its authority to revoke Governor Evers’ order in February, and today the Court handed down the final rebuke of the Governor’s illegal actions.”

“Today’s ruling vindicates the Legislature as a co-equal branch of government and will expand freedom and opportunity for the people of Wisconsin. As we work to fully and safely reopen our state, we trust our residents to follow CDC guidelines when appropriate, get vaccinated when ready, and always employ common sense.”


Will there be any real consequences for Evers for repeatedly violating state law?


Read the ruling:


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