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3 Things That Were Once Science Fiction That Have Now Become Science Fact

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



I think that everyone can agree that our world is becoming stranger with each passing day.  As I survey the news on a daily basis, I am absolutely astounded by the bizarre things that I come across.  When I was growing up, our world seemed like such a stable and predictable place, but that is definitely no longer the case.  These days, we are constantly seeing things happen that I never thought that we would actually see, and that includes officials at the Pentagon admitting that they have been testing wreckage from UFO crashes

THE Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing wreckage from UFO crashes in a bombshell Freedom of Information letter, shared with The Sun.


Researcher Anthony Bragalia wrote to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) requesting details of all UFO material, which they hold and results of any tests they had been carrying out on it.


In the old days, government officials would go to great lengths to deny that UFOs existed.


But now apparently all you have to do to find out the truth is submit a FOIA request.


As a child, I was told that UFOs only existed in science fiction movies.  But over the years sightings have become more and more frequent, and it has become clear that people are not just imagining these objects.


And now the government is even admitting that it has studied materials from crashed UFOs that possess “extraordinary capabilities”


In the response, shared with The Sun, the DIA released 154 pages of test results that includes reports on a mysterious “memory” metal called Nitinol, which remembers its original shape when folded.


Bragalia said it was a “stunning admission” from the US government and the documents reveal that some of the retrieved debris possesses “extraordinary capabilities” including the potential to make things invisible or even slow down the speed of light.





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