FREEDOM SHOPPING: Inside A Store That Does NOT Require Masks in America

by Patrick Howley | National File
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



There is hope in Naples, Florida. A grocery store called Oakes Farms Seed to Table Market makes it abundantly clear that “Mask Exemption” guidelines will be recognized, and “Therefore, if we see you without a mask, we will assume you have a medical condition and we will welcome you inside to support our business.”


NBC News’ Sam Brock did a hit piece on this fine establishment, spotlighting the store’s Optional Masks policy. The press is trying to scorn Oakes Farms’ owner who disputes the official COVID death numbers. (READ: CDC Inflated COVID Death Numbers).


But the real truth is actually a heartwarming source of citizen pride for anti-maskers and people with breathing-related medical conditions, according to sources on the ground.

Citizen activist Chris Nelson conducted a virtual tour of Oakes Farm Seed to Table Market, which of course any patriot can choose to patronize in beautiful Naples, Florida.



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