Video: Bidens Appear On Jumbo Tele-Screen At Super Bowl, Demand Distancing, Masks, Vaccinations
Video: Bidens Appear On Jumbo Tele-Screen At Super Bowl, Demand Distancing, Masks, Vaccinations
by Steve Watson
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino
In a scene that wouldn’t look out of place in Orwell’s 1984, the Bidens made an appearance at this Sunday’s Super Bowl on a giant tele-screen demanding that Americans socially distance, wear masks and get vaccinated.
While those allowed to be in attendance wanted to watch some football and drink some beer, Big Brother Joe Biden’s mumbling voice of doom boomed out around the stadium prior to the Kansas City Chiefs v. Tampa Bay Buccaneers game.
“Let’s remember, we all can do our part to save lives,” Biden warned, adding “Wear masks. Stay socially distance. Get tested.”
Moment of silence before the Super Bowl in memory of those who have lost their lives to COVID-19 in the past year, after a video message from President Biden.
— Greg Auman (@gregauman) February 7, 2021
The pair also called for a ‘moment of silence’, which the crowd did not seem to respect, with some even booing.
That moment of silence lasted 0 seconds. #SuperBowl
— Nathan Bannerman (@NBSportsWriter) February 7, 2021
POTUS: let’s take a moment of silence for those lost
Crowd: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#SuperBowl— Patrick Crawford (@pattycrawdaddy) February 7, 2021
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