Suncoast: Over $53k in Fentanyl and Meth located during Starlite Lane drug bust, Several facing charges 




Suncoast: Over $53k in Fentanyl and Meth located during Starlite Lane drug bust, Several facing charges – Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



CCSO Press Release



The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit, with the assistance of additional members, executed a search warrant at 2369 Starlite Lane in Port Charlotte. On the morning of February 4th, 2021, after making certain the home was safe to enter, members of the narcotics unit located two individuals within the home identified as Clayton M. Waidelich (01/05/90) and Nicole Elizabeth Williams (10/9/94).


Prior to the search, Nicole Williams was removed from the bedroom inside the home. It was then, that Williams began fidgeting within the pocket of the blue zip-up hoodie she was wearing. Nicole was handcuffed and searched. Within the pocket of her hoodie, members located a small baggie with methamphetamine residue.


While conducting a search of the home, members located copious amounts of illegal drugs scattered throughout one of the bedrooms where both Williams and Waidelich reside. This room is locked and separated from main areas in the home including the living room, kitchen, and dining room. Within the room, members located the following:

  •  Approximately 174 grams or 6.138 ounces of Fentanyl
  • Approximately 223.2 grams or 7.97 ounces of Methamphetamine
  • Copious amounts of prescription medication to include Clonazepam, Diazepam, Alprazolam, Buprenorphine Hydrochloride, THX wax, and MDMA
  • Two firearms
  • Over $10,500 in cash
Items located within bedroom


The street value of the Fentanyl and Methamphetamine alone is over $53,000.

Clayton M. Waidelich (01-05-90)

Clayton M. Waidelich (01-05-90) was charged on the following:

  • Trafficking Amphetamine
  • Trafficking Fentanyl
  • Possession of controlled substance without prescription (Clonazepam)
  • Possession of controlled substance without prescription (Diazepam)
  • Possession of controlled substance without prescription (Alprazolam)
  • Possession of controlled substance without prescription (Buprenorphine Hydrochloride)
  • Possession of controlled substance without prescription (THX WAX)
  • Possession of controlled substance without prescription (MDMA)
  • Possession of firearm or ammunition by Florida convicted Felon
  • Possession of marijuana greater than 20 grams
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
Nicole Elizabeth Williams  


Clayton Waidelich’s bond has been set at $1,370,000.

Nicole Elizabeth Williams (10/9/94) was charged on the following:

  • Possess Controlled Substance WO Prescription
  • Drug Paraphernalia – Possession or Use Of

While members were on scene, they observed Jessica N. Whaley (11-17-84) leave the residence with a small child. A traffic stop was conducted on Whaley as the search warrant of the home commenced. Once deemed safe, Jessica returned to her home and was given the opportunity to call a family member to take custody of her child. As members began a search of her living area, they located a plastic baggie containing approximately 1.5 grams of a methamphetamine, a blue Pyrex smoking device with methamphetamine residue and a Florida driver’s license belonging to Jessica Whaley located on the dining table.


Jessica N. Whaley

Jessica N. Whaley (11-17-84) was charged with the following:

  • Possess Controlled Substance WO Prescription
  • Drug Paraphernalia – Possession or Use Of

Additionally, as the search warrant was being conducted, the phone of one of the suspects rang. The caller advised they were coming over to pick up $20.00., which is common terminology for an amount of meth.


Upon arrival, a male and female exited the vehicle and approached the side door of the residence.  After knocking on the side door, members of the Narcotics Unit exited the residence and made contact with both subjects.


Both advised their identification was located inside the vehicle they arrived in and had to retrieve it from within. When the female driver opened her door, members immediately saw (2) open Michelob Ultra beer cans inside the center console. The two subjects were identified as Sabrina Fisher (10-20-84) and Murray Holloway (09-20-80).


Murray Holloway  

Due to the open container, and arrival at a known drug house, K9 Odin was utilized to complete a free air sniff of the vehicle. K9 Odin is trained to detect Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Heroin, Ecstasy and Marijuana and alerted to the vehicle for the presence of narcotics.


Within the vehicle, members located a Methamphetamine pipe in the glove box and a woman’s purse. Upon searching the purse, members found a small zip lock baggie that had a crystal-like substance inside which tested positive for Methamphetamine.  Based on the fact that this item was found inside a woman’s purse and was within Sabrina’s reach, she was found to be in possession of the Methamphetamine.


Sabrina Fisher 

A female deputy was requested for a search of Sabrina’s person. During this search, a small napkin was found in her groin area.  Inside the napkin was a small bag that contained Methamphetamine. Also located inside her purse was an energy drink container that was taped shut containing an unknown liquid.  Both Sabrina and Murray advised that this substance was urine with the intended use of passing Sabrina’s drug test as part of her probation requirements.


Sabrina Fisher was charged with the following:

  • Possession of a Controlled Substance – Methamphetamine
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  • Violation of Probation

In lieu of arresting Murray Holloway, he was issued a Notice to Appear for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.

“The tremendously deadly amounts of Fentanyl and Meth found yesterday had the potential to do irrevocable damage to our community. This drug bust potentially saved the lives of many.”


If you have any information on local drug activity, please contact the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office. We remain dedicated to eradicating the sale of illegal drugs in our community.



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