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How Do You Adapt When the Rules Are Constantly Changing?

By Joanna Miller, The Organic Prepper
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



by Joanna Miller

As soon as it became apparent last summer that Covid was not going to kill everyone within the year, I would occasionally hear people joke that November 4 (aka: Election Day) would be the magic cure. 


Well, they were wrong.


Dr. Fauci waited until Biden’s inauguration to give an update on COVID-19

Dr. Fauci made his return to the Whitehouse on January 21 at a press briefing. During the briefing, Fauci said about the virus, “Right now, it looks like it might actually be plateauing in the sense of turning around.”


Read the entire press briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, January 21, 2021, here.

Or, watch the interestingly-timed briefing in the video below.


Constantly changing rules, numbers, and stats make it difficult to discern truth from fiction

A few months ago, I wrote about how often the facts about COVID change, and none of this surprises me. This “game” goes beyond party politics; I believe the powers that be want to keep all the regular joes in a state of panic. Daisy has reported from the very beginning that the numbers did not add up.


For example, even the CDC admits flu cases are low this year despite a higher number of tests. Maybe the hand-washing, sanitizing, and social-distancing due to Covid has prevented the flu from spreading. Perhaps hospitals have reported things differently this year due to the financial incentives associated with reporting patients as Covid positive


Regardless of the reason, one would think that the dramatic decrease in flu cases would be cause for celebration. Not so. The still CDC urges people to get flu shots because “diseases can strike at any time.” That may be true. However, why are the people in charge of our nation’s health not concerned about the mental health impacts of constantly bombarding the public with messages about one dangerous disease after another?


When do we get a break from the fear and panic?

It seems like the public is teased daily with the thought of going “back to normal.” However, only IF we do exactly as they say and get the vaccine. I don’t have a problem with informed adults receiving the vaccine by choice. I do have a problem with the consolidation of power and the exertion of control.  


The timing of Fauci’s announcement about seeing the light at the end of the Covid tunnel cannot be coincidental. My personal prediction is that things will ease up a little bit. However, with the new mutant strains of Covid, government authorities will have an endless excuse to impose lockdowns as they see fit. Covid will continue to mutate – that’s what viruses do. 


And with the mainstream media reporting every new mutation as though it’s more dangerous than the last, the fuel for those excuses to lock things down will remain readily available. 





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