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A Terrifying New Bill In Congress Would Eliminate The Possibility Of Turning America Around In 2024, 2028 Or Ever Again

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



Have you heard about H.R. 1?  If not, I would urge you to read the text of the bill immediately.  It is called the “For The People Act”, and you can find it right here.  The text of this bill specifically states that Congress has the “ultimate supervisory power over federal elections”, but of course anyone that is familiar with what the U.S. Constitution actually says knows that this is not true.  The states are supposed to have final authority over their own election laws, and H.R. 1 is a blatant attempt to usurp that authority.  Unfortunately, in the aftermath of the riot at the U.S. Capitol there are very few politicians in Washington that still have a willingness to stand up for election integrity.  H.R. 1 is almost certainly going to get through the House of Representatives, and it has a really good chance of getting through the Senate as well.

If this legislation is approved, it will fundamentally change the nature of our federal elections forever.


And not in a good way.


I do not think that Tucker Carlson was exaggerating by very much at all when he warned that “Democrats will control the federal government for decades” if H.R. 1 becomes law…


Democrats will control the federal government for decades or more if a sweeping new proposal touted as comprehensive government reform becomes law, Tucker Carlson said on Monday.


Carlson warned of the many dangers of “H.R. 1.,” the “For The People Act,” a nearly 800-page bill sponsored by Maryland Democrat John Sarbanes of Baltimore.


In essence, this bill would make elections all over the country just like elections in California.

If that statement sounds terrifying to you, that is because it is terrifying.


Democrats introduced the same bill last year, but it died in the Republican-controlled Senate.


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