Tulsi Gabbard Asks Biden: “Have You Declared Martial Law?”

by Paul Joseph Watson

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard asked Joe Biden if he had declared martial law after it was revealed that thousands of troops stationed in the capital will remain there until March.


As we highlighted earlier, at least 5,000 National Guard soldiers will remain in DC until the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump is completed, a process which won’t be concluded for at least six weeks.

“President @JoeBiden, have you declared martial law? Because that is what it’s starting to look and feel like. Let our troops get back home to their families,” Gabbard tweeted.



During an appearance on Fox News, Gabbard was asked if it was justified to have so many troops guard the Capitol building given that there was absolutely no unrest during or after Biden’s inauguration.



While asserting that troops had been “mistreated” after they were made to sleep on cement floors, the former Congresswoman said that the 25,000 troops used to occupy the capital was a massive overreaction given there was no evidence of an imminent attack.

“The militarization of our nation’s capital was not only uneccesary…to send that message both to the American people but to the world that somehow our nation’s capital us under attack and threat of a siege of taking over, I just don’t think that’s the message that we want to send to the American people and to the world,” she said.


The military veteran said there was no justification for keeping 5,000 troops in the capital, asking, “What is it that they are trying to accomplish now by creating an enduring presence? That sounds a lot like a lot of the stuff that we’ve seen happen overseas.”


Gabbard also called out Rep. Adam Schiff, who she said is “advocating for targeting half the country as potential domestic terrorists.”





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