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15 Chinese Aircraft Enter Taiwan Air Defense Zone For 2nd Day As US Carrier Roosevelt Approaches | ZeroHedge

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



During the final months of the Trump administration Chinese military exercises near Taiwan grew as part of the tit-for-tat escalation of Washington moves in support of the self-declared Republic. However, in a show of (preemptive) force against the new Biden admin, which echoed Mike Pompeo in accusing China of committing genocide against Uyghurs – an allegation that Beijing will not gloss over – Chinese hostilities in the vicinity of Taiwan have escalated dramatically. And on Sunday, just one day after China’s military undertook one of its biggest Taiwan “flyovers” yet (and just days following President Joe Biden’s entry into the White House), Chinese air force planes including 12 fighter jets entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) for a second day.


As we reported yesterday, China’s activities over the weekend mark a ratcheting up with fighters and bombers being dispatched rather than reconnaissance aircraft as had generally been the case in recent weeks. On Saturday, eight Chinese bomber planes, four fighter jets and anti-submarine aircraft one flew into Taiwan’s defense zone on Saturday, between mainland Taiwan and the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands in the South China Sea. Then, on Sunday, a further 15 flew into the same air space on Sunday.


Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said China sent six J-10 fighters, four J-16s, two SU-30s, a Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft and two Y-8 anti-submarine aircrat, adding that Taiwan’s air force was sent up to respond.


“Airborne alert sorties had been tasked, radio warnings issued and air defense missile systems deployed to monitor the activity,” the ministry said.


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