OPERATION ONE WAY TICKET:  Leads to the arrest of 14 Suncoast individuals have been arrested with a combined 17,000 suspected images of child porn

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



Subject: Operation One Way Ticket – 14 Arrested for Child Porn
Incident Type:
Incident Date/Time 1/22/2021 6:00:00 AM
Expire Date/Time 3/31/2021 6:00:00 AM
Operation “One Way Ticket”
Incident Type: Child Pornography Related Investigation
Location: Manatee County and surrounding areas
Suspects: 14 suspects charged with 541 counts
Riley Burroughs, 1/2/2002
– 50 Felony charges under 2019-006904
Sergio Vasquez, 1/30/2001
– 50 Felony charges under 2019-006187
Michael William Blackmore, 08/09/1956
– 50 Felony charges under 2020-004115
Christopher Allan Schwartz, 08/05/1969
– 50 Felony charges under 2020-004327
Edwin Aguirre-Pineda, 03/09/1965
– 3 Felony charges under 2020-005256
Raymond Eugene Hudson, 06/27/1951
– 15 Felony Charges under 2020-006109
James Tyler Moschella, 03/29/2001
– 42 Felony charges under 2020-010568
Walter Raymond Huddleston, 06/10/1977
– 20 Felony Charges under 2020-010951
Michael John Bibby, 11/30/1961
– 50 Felony Charges under 2020-011994
Richard Paul Warno, 04/15/1947
– 25 Felony Charges under 2020-012306
Seamus Eugene McNeela, 02/12/1947
– 50 Felony Charges under 2020-013407
Robert Edleman, 08/28/1952
– 50 Felony Charges under 2020-013429
Parker Alexander Vastag, 06/27/1997
– 50 Felony charges under 2020-16090
Ryan Terryl Barg, 11/01/1976
– 36 Felony charges under 2020-019062

In July of 2020 a large scale investigation began, later named Operation “One Way Ticket”. During the investigative stages of the operation the MCSO ICAC (Internet Crime Against Children) taskforce served over 200 subpoenas and 26 search warrants, where over individual 100 devices were searched. There were 17,000 suspected images of Child Porn discovered on the seized devices which led to 541 felony arrest warrants for the 14 listed suspects under the listed case numbers.

During the investigate stages Walter Huddleston solicited an undercover federal agent posing as a minor. This was discovered after the residential search warrant was conducted at his residence. He was arrested for the local charges, with federal charges pending, upon notification of his continued criminal activity.

An arrest round-up was scheduled on 1/20/2021 for the remaining 13 listed offenders. Due to criminal history and other factors it was determined that SWAT would conducted the arrest of both Michael Blackmore and Edwin Aguirre-Pineda. These arrests occurred without incident.

Christopher Schwartz had fled the area after the search warrant of his residence, and detectives learned that he was in the Ft Myers area. With the assistance of the round up team and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office several locations were checked with no success. After further investigation, Schwartz was seen driving over a bridge. Lee County SO and Ft Myers PD conducted a traffic stop and verified the driver of the suspect vehicle was Schwartz who was then taken into custody for his 50 felony warrants.

There were 541 felony arrests made. All 14 suspects were taken into custody without incident.