Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay



Big Tech’s Purge Is Only Beginning… For Them

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



There’s nothing easy about living through a political coup. The Big Tech firms long in cahoots with our government have been pushing a false narrative of evil MAGA-Nazis trying to undermine polite society for more than four years now.


Suppression started with Milo Yiannopoulos, accelerated to include Alex Jones and InfoWars and reach a temporary peak in 2018 with the persecution of alternative social media platform Gab in the wake of the Pittsburgh shooting.


I said this then in a piece entitled: Attack on Gab Proves Speech Was Never Free:


Friday’s attack by an unhinged, vile piece of human excrement on a Synagogue in Pittsburgh wasn’t hours old before real world agendas pushed to the top of the news.


Twitter alternative Gab was immediately dropped by PayPal without specific reasons.


Then immediately, Gab’s latest hosting service unilaterally gave the company a 48-hour termination notice of its contract.


Gab was hounded to the point of extermination and only a herculean effort by CEO and total warrior Andrew Torba and his staff kept the company afloat. Today Gab can only take Bitcoin and checks for payment. Torba himself has no banking privileges or access to credit, payment processors etc.