New York Times Suggests “Free Speech A Threat To Democracy”
By Francesco Abbruzzino
The New York Times has once again revealed its true colors as a radical propaganda outlet, suggesting in a Wednesday op-ed that free speech has become a “threat to democracy” during the era of President Donald Trump.
The op-ed, titled “Have Trump’s Lies Wrecked Free Speech?” by NYT columnist Thomas B. Edsall, claims that President Trump has weaponized free speech by claiming that fraud took place in the U.S. presidential election.
“In making, embracing and disseminating innumerable false statements, Trump has provoked a debate among legal scholars over whether the once-sacrosanct constitutional protection of free speech has itself become a threat to democracy by enabling the widespread and instantaneous transmission of lies in the service of political gain,” Edsall wrote.
Edsall then presents numerous arguments against free speech by several leftist and socialist political thinkers before offering this assertion:
“The two weeks between now and the inauguration will reveal how much more damage Trump, in alliance with a Republican Party complicit in a deliberate attempt to corrupt our political processes, can inflict on a nation that has shown itself to be extremely vulnerable to disinformation, falsehoods and propaganda — propaganda that millions don’t know is not true.”
How can the The Times be seen as anything else but a communist rag?