Venice: Deputy visits Charlee, after saving her life from a near drowning




This one is hard to articulate but we are going to try our best.


On Saturday, November 28, deputies responded to a Venice home where a 10-month-old infant accidentally drowned in her family’s pool. Eight deputies responded to the home but first on scene were Deputies Mike Nickerson and Tony Egoville. When they arrived, baby Charlee had no pulse. Without hesitation, Deputies Nickerson and Egoville relied on their training and began lifesaving efforts. The two performed CPR inside the home and in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. It is the longest Deputies Nickerson and Egoville have ever performed CPR in their careers. Charlee regained consciousness and was transferred to All Children’s Hospital where she was intubated for 10 days.


Once back home, Deputy Nickerson stopped by to check in and drop off a few Christmas presents. Charlee is doing great and her mom Stephanie – who greeted Deputy Nickerson with a huge hug – tells us Mike will forever be a part of her family. Deputy Nickerson, who has served for nearly 25 years, tells us this will forever be one of the most impactful calls of his career.


For those who question the profession we have chosen, know that this right here is the reason.




She is our reason.