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‘We Are Breaking’: Parents Describe How Virtual Learning Has Traumatized Their Children

The Daily Caller


The impact of school shutdowns and the switch to virtual learning may take years to fully understand, but parents and caretakers across the country are already witnessing disturbing signs of fatigue and trauma in their children after months of separation from peers and classrooms.


When schools shut down in March and April due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students and their parents had not envisioned that the approaching summer vacation would lead into a new school year that would also be held virtually. For many families, a few weeks of school closings were manageable, although burdensome, especially for single-parent and working households.


But as 2020 comes to an end, parents explained to the Daily Caller that extensive damage has already been done. They describe failing grades, despair and their child’s sense of invisibility to the world that surrounds them after being away from their peers and classrooms for months with no firm end in sight.


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