Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


“The Russians Hacked Us!”: They Are Pushing A Narrative That We Are Heading For A Conflict With Russia


Not this again.  In the aftermath of the 2016 election, Democrats squarely blamed “Russian interference” for Trump’s election victory, and they spent the next several years going down the rabbit hole of that conspiracy theory.  So here we are in the aftermath of the 2020 election, and once again they are pushing another “blame Russia” narrative.  In recent days the mainstream media has been breathlessly telling us about “a massive cyberattack” that was “the largest espionage attack in history”, and even though they are not giving us any evidence that would point to the Russians, they are insisting that Russia must have been behind the attack.

Of course it is theoretically possible that the Russians could have done it, but the Chinese, the North Koreans and the Iranians also have extremely sophisticated cyberattack capabilities.


Why couldn’t it have been one of them?


And it is entirely possible that we could have simply attacked ourselves so that we could blame it on the Russians later.


We probably will never know the actual truth in this matter.  The U.S. intelligence community has been lying to the American people for so long that most of us wouldn’t believe them even if everything that they were saying was 100 percent true.  And whoever did actually conduct this cyberattack is almost certainly never going to admit it.


But what we do know is that this provides a convenient anti-Russia narrative for the deep state at a moment when it looks like a new administration might be entering the White House.


Needless to say, the mainstream media has fallen for the “blame Russia” angle hook, line and sinker.  For example, just check out the sort of stuff that is being said about this attack on CNN


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