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30,000 Quakes In 4 Months! If Antarctic Ice Shelves Start Melting Rapidly, It Will Create A Planetary Disaster Of Epic Proportions


Under the continent of Antarctica, there is a “mantle plume producing almost as much heat as Yellowstone supervolcano”, and this has been melting ice plates from underneath at a staggering pace.  If that superheated rock were to move even closer to the surface, that would potentially greatly accelerate the melting of Antarctic ice, and the consequences for the entire planet would be quite dramatic.  As you will see below, if all Antarctic ice were to melt, the entire eastern seaboard of the United States would vanish.  In other words, there would be no more New York, no more Washington D.C. and no more state of Florida.


That is why what is happening in Antarctica right now is deeply alarming many experts.  According to the University of Chile, there have been over 30,000 earthquakes in Antarctica since the end of the month of August, and this is extremely unusual.


Of course the quakes are not scattered evenly throughout the continent.  In fact, the vast majority of them have been happening at a location where “several tectonic plates and microplates meet”


Scientists with the university’s National Seismological Center said the small quakes – including one stronger shake of magnitude 6 – were detected in the Bransfield Strait, a 60-mile wide (96-km) ocean channel between the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula.


Several tectonic plates and microplates meet near the strait, leading to frequent rumbling, but the past three months have been unusual, according to the center.


Obviously something big is taking place, and we do know that the rate at which the Shetland Islands have been separating from the Antarctic peninsula has been accelerating


The shakes have become so frequent that the strait itself, once increasing in width at a rate of about 7 or 8 mm (0.30 inch) a year is now expanding 15 cm (6 inches) a year, the center said.


“It’s a 20-fold increase … which suggests that right this minute … the Shetland Islands are separating more quickly from the Antarctic peninsula,” said Sergio Barrientos, the center’s director.


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