Progressives Slam Biden For “Corporate Friendly” Admin After First Climate Appointment Is “Fossil Fuel Industry Ally” | Zero Hedge



Progressive dissatisfaction with the Biden administration escalated overnight when the progressive organization Justice Democrats in a statement Tuesday criticized President-elect Joe Biden’s reported plans to make “corporate-friendly appointments” to his administration.


“If Joe Biden continues making corporate-friendly appointments to his White House, he will risk quickly fracturing the hard-earned goodwill his team built with progressives to defeat Donald Trump,” Justice Democrats Executive Director Alexandra Rojas said in a statement, echoing similar threats voiced previously from the ultra-progressive “squad.”


“A Biden administration dominated by corporate-friendly insiders like [former Biden chief of staff] Steve Ricchetti and [Rep.] Cedric Richmond [D-La.] will not help the President-elect usher in the most progressive Democratic administration in generations,” she added



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