Republicans in Wayne County Caved In, Certified Results After Being Called “Racist” by Pro-Antifa Poll Watcher

by Paul Joseph Watson


epublicans in Wayne County, Michigan reversed their decision to not certify the presidential election results after they were lectured by a pro-Antifa poll watcher and called racist.


Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, who make up two of the four-person Wayne County Board of Canvassers, sparked controversy when they initially refused to sign off on their district’s ballot count which handed Joe Biden victory.



This prompted poll watcher and local businessman Ned Staebler to accuse the pair of basically being on a par with Nazis.


“I just want to let you know that the Trump stink, the stain of racism that you have covered yourself in, is going to follow you throughout history,” said Staebler in a Zoom call.



“You will forever be known in southeastern Michigan as two racists who did something so unprecedented that they disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of black voters in the city of Detroit, because they were ordered to,” he added, before going on to label Palmer and Hartmann “completely racist.”

Staebler suggested the pair were also going to hell, declaring, “When you go to meet your maker, your soul is going to be very, very warm.”


The rant appeared to have an impact because Palmer and Hartmann reversed their decision shortly after and certified the results.


Staebler’s rhetoric sounding like typical Antifa diatribe is no surprise given that he openly supports the violent organization, as well as Black Lives Matter, on his Twitter page.


As the screenshot below highlights, Staebler has liked tweets which advocate drawing up lists of people and killing them as well as celebrating “nazis getting their lights punched out,” which at this point is a synonym for Trump supporters being attacked.


So in other words, Palmer and Hartmann were so weak in their convictions, they were rattled by one angry rant by an Antifa supporter on a Zoom call.





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