Fauci Warns: Wear Your Mask, Or We Will Lock You Down Again



Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing his tyrannical approach with new warnings.  He says that if we want to avoid being locked down again, we should be wearing the ritualist shame muzzles the political parasites keep pushing.


Dr. Fauci says he doesn’t believe the United States will need to go into lockdown to fight the coronavirus scam if people double down on wearing masks and social distancing. The nation’s top infectious disease expert medical tyrant says “the cavalry is coming” in the form of vaccines and that “Help is really on the way.”


Based on statements from Donald Trump that the military will be distributing the vaccine, the use of the word “cavalry” isn’t that surprising. The fact that anyone is lining up for this vaccine after these psychopaths have already told us it won’t return our lives to “normal,” is surprising.


Fauci says there are fundamental things Americans can do to stem the spread of the coronavirus. They include “universal and uniform” wearing of masks, avoiding crowds, keeping social distance, and washing hands. He says that sounds simple against a very difficult challenge but “it really does make a difference.”



This is an absolutely absurd and ridiculous notion that we can somehow stop all humans from ever getting a cold ever again. As The Mises Institute points out, this is not about a virus or health. This is about control and power.  The more they can get people to obey their draconian edicts, the more power they have.


But, putting such life-altering power—over matters such as forced lockdowns—in the hands of people who pay a negligible price for being wrong (some political damage, maybe) is not only asinine, it is plain wrong. Coercion is wrong. Taking the freedom of choice away from people by force is wrong. Tell the old woman living with a terminal illness that she must spend the final months of her life in isolation; that she can’t take a trip to the lake she’s visited since she was a child; that she can’t be surrounded by her loved ones during the remaining time she has left. Tell a business owner that their business isn’t essential. Tell the man who’s prone to depression and lives alone in a tiny studio apartment that this lockdown is for his own good. Tell the woman whose cancer diagnosis will be delayed—and thus her chances of survival reduced—that this lockdown is for her own good. –The Mises Institute


Lockdowns are immoral, plain, and simple because they violate the consent of those being forced on house arrest even though they have done no wrong. And they are coming.  It doesn’t look like we will avoid a second lockdown at this point.


Author: Mac Slavo
Website: www.SHTFplan.com