100s Of UK Medics And Academics Urge Boris Johnson: COVID Data Is “Exaggerated” And Second Wave Talk Is “Misleading” | Zero Hedge
Almost 500 medics and academics have penned a letter to U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson – just hours after the U.S. election has been “decided” – informing him that official Covid data is being “exaggerated” and that talk of a second wave of Covid is “misleading”.
The letter was critical of the government’s handling of the virus and said that the response to the pandemic has been “disproportionate” relative to the risk, according to the Daily Mail.
The group claims that mass testing has “distorted the risk of the virus”, that the high numbers of tests are likely to be producing false positives, and that the infection and death rates need to be put into the context of normal seasonal rates.
The group of scientists, medics and academics have also claimed that the U.K.’s second wave “has already peaked”:
Professor Tim Spector, who leads the Covid Symptom Study app aiming to track the spread of Covid-19 in the UK, confirmed that there were ‘positive signs’ the country has ‘passed the peak of the second wave’.
The letter is titled “First Do No Harm”. It comes one day after the U.K. confirmed 24,957 positive tests, up 13.9% from the week prior’s total. Immunologist Dr. Charlotte R Bell, pediatrician Dr. Rosamond Jones, and Keith Willison, Professor of Chemical Biology at Imperial College are among those who signed the letter.