Can you think of any other time in the history of the United States when measures have been taken in advance to try to prevent a presidential candidate from declaring victory on the night of the election?  It is difficult to believe that this is actually happening, and it is yet more evidence of how


Photo: Gage Skidmore, creative common,



They are going to go all-out in a desperate attempt to try to stop Trump from declaring victory


Can you think of any other time in the history of the United States when measures have been taken in advance to try to prevent a presidential candidate from declaring victory on the night of the election?  It is difficult to believe that this is actually happening, and it is yet more evidence of how badly our system has deteriorated.  Of course President Trump may decide to declare victory anyway if he has a significant lead on election night, but any such declaration will immediately be branded “illegitimate” by the mainstream media, the big tech companies and everyone else on the left.

For months, pundits on the left have been trying to convince us that President Trump may have a lead initially but that Joe Biden will surely be victorious once all of the mail-in ballots are finally counted.  They are going to be pushing that narrative no matter how large Trump’s lead is, and they are absolutely determined to squelch any talk that Trump has officially won.


For example, on Monday Twitter announced that it will be “pre-bunking” election misinformation.  In particular, Twitter will be “warning that there may be delays in full election results” and that there may be “misleading information” about mail-in votes…


Twitter said Monday it would take the proactive step of alerting its users to potential misinformation in preparation for unverified claims about the November 3 US election.


The short messaging service said it would place notices at the top of user feeds warning that there may be delays in full election results and that people might see “misleading information” about voting by mail.

Do you think those notices are directed at Democrats?


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