Say it is not so. Is a teacher really planning a “peaceful” protest at Riverview High this Friday, involving BLM and some socialism groups?



We’ve learned that a Sarasota School District teacher is heavily involved in organizing the BLM event at Riverview High School.
Ironically, this teacher chose to take a leave of absence and enroll her kids in virtual learning out of fear of Covid.
It appears her desire to create division at a Sarasota School outweighs her fear of catching the survivable virus.
The teacher claims that this is not a political event. We beg to differ considering the hard left factions that are listed as presenters of the event.
We suggest parents take a look at each one of these organizations and just how much interest they’re taking in your kids!
It’s beyond us why this teacher thinks she has any right to step foot on school grounds with her kids who are not even enrolled in brick and mortar, when parents are denied the tradition of walking their kids to their class in the morning!
If any part of this event is allowed to take place on school grounds it will only end in complete chaos. Students shouting “black lives matter” while other students look on does not bring people together. It will result in students being labeled as racist when they don’t join in and videos being shared all over social media.
Stop indoctrination in our schools!

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