The time has come for the public to know the truth without any bias or manipulation of the facts regarding the Bird Bay Village redevelopment

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


I recall Robbie Robertson, of the family that formerly owned this property, reached out to you 18 months or so ago about the redevelopment aspirations.   The time has come for the public, more specifically, the Bird Bay Village residents, to know the truth without any bias or manipulation of the facts.  We are hopeful this story resonates with you to the point of sharing it directly through your platform to the public domain.

Since our first presentation (21 mos ago) to the Venice Planning Commission (PC) to re-build a failing and poorly maintained executive golf course and provide reasonably-priced housing within the city limits of Venice, we have waited for the right partner.   Recently, we have been approached by a national golf course management company.   Their business model is youth-centric, merging technology and social media with learning the game of golf.   Please find attached the latest conceptual drawing of the new course along with new housing.   This concept is the culmination of many important influences, none more important than the other.   It is very sensitive to preserving every BBV unit’s view of the golf course.

As you may not know, the PUD that our private property is in has 172 residential dwelling units of density remaining.  We know this from the city affirming such and the fact BBV, itself, has requested PUD amendments over the years to grow their community to its current size of 1000+ units.   Let us add, they had no resistance from anyone regarding their growth plans over the years.   We have never pursued utilizing ALL the available density, nor, have we tried to do anything without first attempting to communicate with BBV leadership.   Unfortunately, until last month, no BBV HOA President/leader would engage with us.  They hid behind their attorney, whom they have spent a significant amount of money, and refused every invitation to meet with us in good faith.   We have entertained several large builders and local developers inquiries.  All wanting to leverage the max density, yet, we believe the latest concept is the best use of the 33-acre property.

Meanwhile, since IAN BBV has sustained significant damage as a direct result of HOA management:

  • lost an operational golf course;
  • the right to be called a golf course community;
  • any aesthetically-pleasing view;
  • suffered significant special assessments as a result of poor HOA management policy;
  • lost all access to our private property that is formerly the golf course;
  • the community waterfall has been mostly inoperative and an eyesore;
  • the amenities are run down, very dated, and insufficient for the 1,000 residential homes;
  • The HOA fees run as high as 5% of a unit’s value.  A ridiculous level of cost based on the market.
  • Currently, 60% of unit sales listings are 100+ DOM.   Well below Venice’s market average.

From an outside perspective, the actions of a few are failing to represent the best interests of the many.   The fact is our attorney, whom we dismissed, refused to have us speak at the PC hearing on our own behalf while lies were entered into the record.   Our intentions from day one have never been accurately shared with BBV residents or the public.   It has always been our intention to find not only common ground with the community, but, to improve upon their current amenities.  Another fact, lost in their dis-information strategy, was we had all 45 units pre-sold to 42 current BBV residents.  But, they were too concerned about the backlash from the few to speak up.   This is not the America I grew up in, nor, is it representative of Venice.

A few transplants believe they have the right to tell a private property owner what they can and cannot do with their property is wrong on many levels.   Especially, when we have never presented a plan that requires a variance, change in use, or special exemption to be made.   It’s simply un-American to not let the neighbor-residents have direct access to the facts and voice their thoughts.   We found that of the 22 folks that spoke at the PC hearing, only 1 had an actual golf course view.  That is 22 of 2,000 residents.   That is not representative of the community or Venice.

By denying our latest offer, the current HOA leadership turned down the following:

  • The golf course management co. offered to ground lease BBV’s amenities, including pool and courts.  To invest in 6 more pickleball courts, a kids pool, updating their buildings, etc.
  •   An opportunity to have a functioning 12-hole Par-3 golf course, state-of-the-art putting green and golf academy.
  • A grille and bar for golfers and kids.
  • To be called a golf course community again.
  • To resolve existing poor stormwater drainage issues
  • Increase property values by building new comparable housing units
  • Encourage greater golf cart ownership and use within the community
  • The new residential units would be apart of BBV HOA, thus, lowering the HOA fee cost per unit.
  • New reasonably priced housing within the city limits.

This egregious attempt to deny not only a private property-owner of their rights to their property, but, to refuse the community as a whole, to be told the truth, is wrong.   To keep a 1000 homeowners in the dark regarding this matter needs to be fixed.   This is exactly why HOA’s need to be reined in.

We ask you, as a public advocate, to share  the rest of the story with the entire Venice community.   Its time to shed light on how a few have negatively impacted the many, and, Venice as a whole.   What this is not about is maximizing profit or utilizing the full, legal potential of the property.    For a change, let there be a story about restraint, conviction to principles, and what is best for the community and our kids.

Look forward to hearing back from you with any questions.


On behalf of,

Kristien, Jeffrey, & Jason

Hawks Run Development