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Concern over a cell tower proposal near Gran Paradiso

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


There were three emails wrongly sent to the City of Venice, regarding a 150-foot monopole cell tower.  I think may fall under the county.  All three emails noted concerns with this tower and echoed the same message as the email below.
From: Donna  
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 8:09:45 PMTo: Nicholas Pachota <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>Subject: Urgent Request for Assistance in Opposing a Monopole Cell Tower Installation
Dear Mayor Pachota,
I trust this message finds you well.  My name is Donna xxx, and I am a resident of xxxxx Cristoforo Place in Venice, Florida, residing within the Gran Paradiso community.  I am writing to express our deep concerns and seek your support in addressing a critical issue that affects our community’s well-being.
We recently received information that a cellular communications company has submitted a petition for the installation of a 150-foot monopole cell tower. This tower is planned to be located on an FPL substation easement, situated between our community, Gran Paradiso, and the Plantation Golf and Country Club Community.  What is particularly concerning is that many homes in our vicinity are situated within close proximity to where the base of this tower is proposed, with distances often falling below 1000 feet, and in some cases, less than 700 feet.
This petition has also been accompanied by a request for a special exemption permit, which has raised substantial objections within our community.  We firmly oppose this petition for several reasons:
  1. Violation of Zoning Laws:  The proposed cell tower installation directly contradicts existing Sarasota County zoning laws, which were established to protect the well-being and interests of our community.
  2. Health Concerns: There are genuine concerns about the potential health hazards associated with the proximity of such a tower to residential areas. We believe it is essential to prioritize the safety and health of our residents.
  3. Property Devaluation: The presence of a towering structure in such close proximity could adversely impact property values in our community, causing financial hardship for many homeowners.
  4. Aesthetic Considerations: The proposed tower would significantly affect the visual aesthetics of our community, detracting from the serene and attractive environment that attracted residents in the first place.
We firmly believe that there are more suitable locations for this type of infrastructure, including county-owned properties, which would not jeopardize the well-being of our residents or the integrity of our community,  As fellow taxpayers, we earnestly request your assistance and guidance in our efforts to oppose this installation.
To demonstrate our collective concern and commitment, we will be attending the Sarasota County Planning meeting en masse on February 15, 2024. at 5 pm. located at 1660 Ringling Blvd in Sarasota.  Your presence and support at this meeting would be invaluable in our fight to protect our community’s interests and well-being.
Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter.  We look forward to working together to ensure the best outcome for our community and its residents.


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