Florida’s Move Over law has been expanded and begins January 1, 2024. Here is what to know…

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


Drivers are required to move over:
* for any broken-down vehicle that is displaying warning lights or hazard lights
* if a vehicle is stopped and is using emergency flares or posting emergency signage
* when a vehicle is stopped and one or more persons are visibly present
Still in effect, drivers must move over if/for/when:
* Law Enforcement is stopped
* Emergency responders
* Sanitation and utility service vehicles
* Tow truck drivers
* Maintenance or construction vehicles with displayed warning lights without advance signs or channelizing devices
Motorists who are unable to move over or on a two-lane road, should:
* Slow to a speed that is 20 mph less than the posted speed limit
* Slow to 5 mph when the posted speed limit is 20mph or less.
From 2016-2020, am average of nearly 350 people per year were struck and killed while outside a disabled vehicle on the roadside.
Tips for stranded motorists:
* Pull as far over on the shoulder as safely possible to create more distance between your vehicle and oncoming traffic.
* Turner hazard lights on so other drivers are aware you are in distress.
* iI you are able to safely make it to the next exit or stopping point do so.
* Call for assistance and remain with your vehicle as long as it is safe to do so.
* If getting out of your vehicle, watch for oncoming traffic and remain close to your vehicle.
* Try to avoid turning your back to Traffic whenever possible.
Keep these in mind when traveling, and do your part in keeping everyone safe..


‘Move over’ Florida: New expanded law takes effect on Jan. 1  


Support Francesco Abbruzzino by utilizing his businesses:

  • Frankie Abbruzzino, Realtor – RealEstateByFrankie.com
  • Telfonix Medical Billing – Telfonix.com
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