Water main break on Laurel Road is causing some disruptions this morning

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC

FROM SARASOTA COUNTY: Late last evening (4/27), a directional drilling contractor bored into a 42-inch water transmission main line from the Mabry T. Carlton Water Treatment Facility, which serves Sarasota County water customers.

County Public Utilities staff were able to locate and temporarily stabilize the water main break. County staff and an emergency repair contract is on site on Laurel Road at Ancora Boulevard. Laurel Road is closed to all traffic while crews are excavating to make repairs.

Later this morning, the water main will need to be shut down so repairs can be completed. Repairs are anticipated to take about 24 hours to complete. Once the water main is closed, Sarasota County water customers may see lower than normal water pressures. Multistory buildings will see the most impact from the reduced pressure. Residents should minimize water usage during this period.

The county’s regional water partners are assisting the county during this time. The shared potable water interconnect between the City of North Port and the county has been opened to help support the southern portion of the service area. The Peace River Authority is providing additional water while the Carlton plant and water main are offline.


The City of Venice is isolating their water mains to allow the repairs to proceed as expeditiously as possible. **This break does not impact City of Venice water customers.**