Sarasota:  Sex offender found guilty and sentenced to life

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



On March 30, an arrest by Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office from January 2022 culminated with a conviction and life sentence for a Sarasota man.


Sixty-three-year-old Frank Szakacs was found guilty of Burglary of Conveyance with Battery, Battery, and Lewd or Lascivious Molestation upon a Disabled Person. For his crimes, he has received a life sentence.


In January 2022, officers responded to a call to investigate a sexual battery near Stickney Point Road. The complainant reported that her daughter, who is disabled, had been molested while waiting in their parked car at a local business. The mother had physically tried to remove the suspect as he was holding her daughter down during the attack. The victim was able to physically interpret and describe to her mother what had occurred prior to her mother’s return to the vehicle.


The suspect left the scene on foot, and patrol located him in a wooded area nearby. He was immediately apprehended and positively identified. Szakacs requested an attorney shortly after being detained. Szakacs had a history of sexual assault, rape, robbery, and armed robbery and had failed to register as a sex offender several times.