Photo: COV


City of Venice Council member Helen Moore chairs a newly formed PAC

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


I was sent some interesting information on Venice Council member Helen Moore.  She decided to step down after her current term, probably concerned that she may lose a race to retain her seat, with so many residents turning against the pro developer candidates.  Well, she is not staying out of politics.


Helen has decided to start or be part of a PAC to get out the vote, but some believe it was formed to fight the city residents that want to maintain the current City of Venice election cycles and terms.  The name of the PAC is Voter Outreach & Turnout Effort. In other words, Helen will continue on behalf of the developers and their pay for play elected officials on the Venice City Council.


The PAC is based out of Tallahassee, and they just registered with the city to lobby Venice voters to support the election charter amendment changes. (They at least got themselves a Venice mailbox at the Venice Avenue UPS Store so their mailers will look like they’re local.)


And take a guess as to who the chair is………….  The lovely Helen Moore.  You can see the documented proof, by clicking — >>> here.   Unless there is another Helen Moore that is interested in upending the pollical processes within the City of Venice. It is hard to tell because the PAC is using a post office box.


I did reach out to SAVE Venice Florida who Helen will be fighting against on this important issue.  Their statement is below:


Statement from SAVE in response to the launch of out-of-town election PAC

“We are disturbed to learn that out-of-town, professional political operatives are now inserting themselves into a local Venice issue that should be left to Venice voters. This outside entry into our local elections is another example of outside money trying to influence the way our city is run.


In November, Venice voters will decide whether to amend the city charter to increase City Council terms and to eliminate our tradition of annual elections. Save Annual Venice Elections (SAVE) is a grassroots group comprised entirely of local residents who organized to urge voters to vote NO on the charter question. 


This week, a Tallahassee-based political team began lobbying Venice voters to support the election changes. Voters need to ask themselves why out-of-town special interests residing 5 hours away would spend their money on our local ballot initiative.” 


What are your thoughts on the actions of the current City of Venice councilmember taking action via this PAC?