Venice Jetty Closed – July 22 Repair Update



Venice Jetty Closed – July 22 Repair Update

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
via U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, has begun executing three days of minor repairs along the southern jetty system at Venice Inlet; repair work is expected to complete by Friday, July 25, 2024.

The jetty was impacted by Hurricane Idalia in 2023. USACE Jacksonville is making repairs to the jetty in cooperation with the City of Venice and in coordination with the West Coast Inland Navigation District.
Material and equipment are being staged in the City of Venice parking lot adjacent to the jetty. Repairs include placing stones along portions of the jetty. Access to the south jetty will be closed to the public until repairs are complete and equipment is removed.
Please observe access restrictions to the work site and staging area, and comply with any on-site work crew instructions to ensure public safety.